Thursday, June 30, 2016

True Blue Barnaby

Some people are never happy The greens and the animal justice people have had their chance ( via Carbon Tax and Ludwig's ban )  to change how we/they  deal with carbon dioxide and how we should try to manage other countries  cattle . It used to be said of  Christians  that they were the ones that were so heavenly minded they were of little earthly use..  Working for another country?

  Yes they disagree with the coalition's approach to CC but time they took time to study and work things out for themselves . It's all very well talking to the Coalitions policy - Time to have one of your very own  Greenlabor will have the next 3 years ;; to work out a  workable one of their own.

If "strong action" is all they can name they might as well join TRUMP .  he supports strong action on everything --but we,  just like Bills indeterminate tax , don't know what the real action is. What fools vote for another tax ( presumably that's what Windsor's crowd are voting  for)     Labor are a joke for not naming the issue they have in mind .

The rest of Australia,  at best , think GreenLabor need at least another few years to get heard again on their expensive  failed ideas of what works

Some people are just themselves . They are those rare bods we look for  --we call them independents , But more than many with this badge, this independent is capable and proven in cooperation . HE is among  those rare polys that people trust , Sure  Barnaby doesn't tell us all the areas he disagrees with his partners on , but that is not a fault . The ability to work together and keep mum  is  something the isolated standing  "independant" is not tested .
Many independents are just stooges ; standing in for Labor or the Greens . Barnaby is well tested .
Arguably Barnaby is a more poplar leader than the  Trifecta ( Malcolm, Bill and Richard )  that are usually trotted out ,

It would be a huge and mistargeted loss if we lost this great team player .

His support across Australia is huge
We mexicans paint his name , criticize his hats and know him as one who can , not only wear lots of hats  with great credit  and humor,   but do it well
Great that finally ABC breakfast  will finally give him some time this morning.


journeymanj said...

It appears we were wrong.

ABC only pretend to represent us .Somehow the ABC think the Greens and Green labor know things

Some of us have worked really hard to keep the balance in arguments about how to do environment for july 2 .We use science because more than one equation is involved

5:1 against How can we win the argument
. We are calling today St Crispins Day

journeymanj said...

ABC get into promoting their own with their own shallow factcheck and lengthy interviews with their own writers like Alan.

How about a logicheck - we know why they don't ; they would say they haven't got time We say they haven't got the patience , We would also say TV can't do it because the audience have no patience - so why does Qand A do it . because its not Q and A its shared prejudice
. Everybody gets their facts wrong Like Vote compass ABC runs pedantic shallow games of their own , I don't need to know where i belong in some sheep naming contest like Vote Compass - Whitehead would have our ABC for dinner . As toy lovers they produce lavish Quantum but as impatient cynics they put our young people off science,The evidence is before us .