A young persons guide to voting
It's like choosing your parents . Which is the best qualified , can show a record of success and pays the bills consistently . Their ideas are less important than their experience and competence
Dad may be an easy take and mum the disciplined one. Dad may be the hard one and mum the big spender Either way you would never let your INEXPERIENCED elder brother or any child run your family . Don't vote for a party that have no experience, who tempt you because they know what YOU like to hear, do a lot of talking and who carp at all the mistakes others are making
What is well qualified?. I am saying relevant experience and relative success in that field If the member has kept his place for years - you can probably rely on that person , Richard Di Natalie is a qualified doctor but his party has in all its may years only ever held one house seat . Going on the unproductive and expensive influence they had on Labor in framing carbon taxes and their reputation for talking and holding up things in The Senate, I can see sensible people losing patience with them and their high minded chatter and limited practical experience,
Can no young person therefore be a good candidate ? I think it s rare , But if the younger person is really willing to listen and learn that's a really big plus . The big advantage of age and experience is that you know WHO to listen to .
Ok well "You haven't helped " I hear you say , I hope you are NOT tempted like some are , to think there are better parents than the ones you were given. Yes its possible there are but know your own before you move from the frying pan into the fire ' Even if your parents fight at least they know what team means if they stay together . This is what happens in the bigger parties - they are often full of divided opinions. .
I have narrowed it down to two though . In Australia its Labor or Liberal
as Niall Ferguson said so well in talking to whom/ what we can trust . he says " the admired leaders of all time " they say its a choice between the lesser of two evils ". Again if you can;t decide --whose experienced and competent Their CV How long have they been in leadership of real ministries Your smart Don't worry ITS HARD Parents are the lesser of other evils ".
Little dream of my own
On their CV all candidates should be required to state what their parents think . "Spoilt brat " "meglomaniac etc etc" Boy we would be blessed if we knew. Many of you are smart ,,, If it helps you decide IMAGINE ,
If you have come this far be pleased with yourself !
Think" lesser of two evils +still working together." I don't know your candidates so I cannot go further just yet . One of the reasons for this site and the links therein is to encourage you to know One or more of the candidates.
Be pleased with yourself whoever you chose BECAUSE it won;t be a perfect choice for any of us - at least you weighed it up .
+ you didn't fall for the child in the family NONE OF US FIND IT EASY BUT YOU ARE DOING YOUR PART
What about independants? Sometimes they are very important , If you don;t know them leave em alone .
They may have bigger egos than most and will have no party to answer to their own enthusiasm for themselves . Who they preference will tell you lots about them . Listen out and leave em in some order down the track . test their qualifications as above. In mots cases you can put a good minor choice first as long as your preferred major party is nearby .
Filling out the whole lot of numbers YES You can lose your vote if you don't . Thats even though most parties HOW TO VOTE CARDS won't go past 6 or 12 ( on senate ticket esp)
What do you say to people who are impressed by having a doctor in charge of a party that wants to do great things. With so few alternatives ,surely the Greens are going to poll well as " alternative and more independant".
unfortunately many will not loo deep enough. Its very easy for the non engaged to be high minded about everything the incumbents are not doing . A childish fault . You just trust mature young people will see those who still do it as adults as unworthy of
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