Sunday, February 01, 2015

The media wet themselves

ABC talk damningly of Liberal leadership all week and or earthquakes in Queensland .Talk about overreaching themselves with rhetoric.The ABC, unlike SBS, are not interested in the reality of the erosion of our democracy and the drip feeders on the tax system .
Uhlman and his crew are so welded on that they cannot see that we too do not like much that Qld Liberals think- they are too busy going for the jugular of individuals.
Since the electoral system has been changed its not worth voting and eventually Australia will see it - changes of government will not fix what only tough medicine in the areas Labor is weakest ( education and welfare and environment) Comfortable ABC  forget they just ran a program on the demise of the National Party and the dangers of minority views making a laughing stock of what was our democracy . City controls the country and that' s as deep as it goes. Media offer solutions instead of real people who work the country
Sure we will be patronized - suddenly the city knows how to run the country - give everyone more money
And any reasonable reflection will show the changes in government in the States over the twenty  years show the same dominance of suburban brilliance over the business of keeping the country growing and alive .

Don't preach democracy;  some of no longer believe it operates here .
We are more like Greece everyday  - hoping that a new government will give us back what we think we  deserve..  next post Same old stuff NEXT ELECTION