Saturday, May 28, 2022

A prediction . The country will be screaming for change by June 2023

 Labor got in this week by pretending to be all things caring to all change hungries Always a majority of the later --just wish they weren't so easily led.  

The fact that their dog's breakfast of a noncoalition haven't agreed on anything yet  means they are far from work-ready. It was a way  the lightweights found a  way to jump the hurdle ; The mad marginal voter type doesn't help get sensible leaders. 

BUT when you offer to tip the world upside down without having no plan you are going to just look stupid when you get the reins - this madness is never going to work. 
By being good at creating an impression, they may last a month or two more . 
So it won't be long  before this airy fairy assembly is turned upside down
Morrison is still used for target practice despite his handling of a term of very tough years
I said to one of them . 
Its alright mate , the incompetent uncaring immoral rich, who cream off high margins for a living  ; those arrogant self righteous will go away now that your lot are in power .  
How dare you libel the conservatives . My country colleagues often earn less than the minimum wage( add up the hours shared by farming families)  . 

I will give one vote to the wokes ,
Albanese will not be blamed for his god-like promise of 5% increase in the basic wage because the tribunal will make the judgment 

Albanese and Chalmers will not be blamed for their dumb reactive highly inflationary moves because the tribunals will make some of the judgments. 

This relief is not to their credit but God's grace because they don't deserve any credit for a blind reactionary move to raise the basic minimum wage rate.  No plan for heating or cooling the earth except to make people pay more for energy in 2022 and then switch the heaters off.

It will be all by the seat of their red hot pants as Chalmers celebration of the contravening of his own foreign policy ( to give citizenship to  a family of illegal immigrants )  I am sure foreign policy will be one big dog's breakfast that will please neither Marles Rudd or Wong .
This hypocritical throw away government , are,  after all working on the mandate of "don't tell the public what you are going to do - just get power first and THEN DO  what YOU  feel like"   We'll go bloke with these wokes . 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The most urban country in the world has now become the most urbane .

 The most urban country in the world has now become the first urbanocracy. 
Even the greeks would be laughing " we really thought no one would  ever be stupid enough to believe everyone could run the country - only a few the aristo or the pluto would ever have some hope of working . 

It would be funny if it wasn't such a logical recipe for ultimate failure; The dependants telling the producers how better to produce ; The hungry wolf . or is it this case , the silly little easily frighted  chicks, in charge of the chicken coupe. 

Like all our wonderful youth they want a future with less addiction to fossil fuels . So do WE , the adults in the audience.
It just that only the woosiest of adults have NOW let the children decide.  To give in to good intentions alone, would be to let democracy become a simple irrational obsenity..
I have lived to see my well educated generation  commit such an obscenity ; Instead of the God who cares in space and time , they have chosen the god of the strong ( over 50% shall dominate ) over the weak who by faith can NEVER be wrong. Not only wrong and unsustainable but not wise ( stepping backwards) 
These woosy parents have yet to witness the hopeless racket in Parliament that comes from accepting house rules written by the children 

Anyone who has worked with a  group of people knows that the majority can be wrong so whats with mature people wearing the blinkers; too afraid to adopt the  principals of fairness  ( everyone should get a proper hearing every day of every week in Parliament  ) but the principle of might is right . Good old Labor ___the most UNFAIREST OF PARTIES  MR MARLES 

It would be funny if it wasn't so religious in its high-minded ambitions and complete impracticability.
Strange that, at this moment, the innocents and cynics in the cities are choosing to play god and solve the climate problem when they haven't got a clue about what they are going to do about the problem. Just throw money and old tech as Labor did before? . 
It s just plain scary because instead of feeding its people , its going to starve them ( with higher taxes ) while the committee decide. . 
The rich wage, tax, margin and shareholder trains down there won't slow down as quickly as the spirit of the people who feed them .
The hastily drawn together  committee will never agree . 
Over the next three years the cities will learn that they know nothing and therefore cannot agree on anything. 
At least rural people will remain unified through the next three years while the wokes spend their days wandering around in the mire of indecision and ignorance they have created or sought to limit themselves to. 

Morrison has given away his opportunity to be an effective resistance to the new climate change alliance ( that ephemeral nonsense maybe the only thing the new wishy washup agree on ) by agreeing to net zero. How dumb and blind are these leafy suburb liberals are. 

The dopey teal independents are hoping that green investments will work. The reality is that the working class are not going to pay these facile newbies  to build more windmills and sequestration schemes that don't do anything for climate. The energy realities of Europe will show up the dumb dreaming of the left before a few more days are up . 

And many of us know that the mean girls won't go away because they will not have a basis for practical outcomes. Their anger only reinforce the growth of  unhappy and bitchy  XX syndrome which will now go to XXcess -- Typically such denial-based projection and fanaticism means they DON"T  know / face what they hate  ( all they know is that they hate the situation they find themselves in - some version of a Y chrome mad world ?  )  so they don't how to change the situation. 

 I have been fighting for proper representation for regional areas for decades. I will probably now give up. -- certainly for 3years.  The simple "change is good "idea people will be hanging out for change WELL before the next election . 

It was a miracle the LNP got in last time. The teal independents will prove me right in that our democracy is totally unfair because the city has a stranglehold on what happens.And it knows nothing . 
The weird thing is that this is not a win for common sense, but for the mad maths that says that the majority should dominate, the mad inhuman stuff that says the strong must dominate the weak. 

50 km out is now the only place where conservatives are taken seriously.
Thankfully we won't change. we will have friends who make sense and make good company .
God help the wokedoms cause they are a house divided and will fail. 


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Greenlabor has offered hope for change . It will be scary to see a bunch of trust me's with no practice record try to agree on anything that works

 Its 9:45 pm election night May 2022.

The result is not unexpected .A  coalition that is not a coa-anything that is agreed upon . The  next 3 years will scare the life of parliament and people alike .  

I have fought for conservatives for several decades. With all the people living in cities, the result is not to the credit of any wisdom in the cities ; only on their numbers.
The city will now get what they deserve - more dreaming, more woke, guilt and giving in to dependency demands, projection and nothing to inspire our children or employ them. Debts, taxes and disparity outta control.
Because of the shallow faith in mere numbers ( the strong should dominate the weak), we dinosaurs will not be welcome within 50 km of cities.
The parliament hung up by stubborn individuals who think they know is not to be welcomed , let alone trusted .

Friday, May 13, 2022

Reject the quickfixers but watch out for more tyrants

 It has to be said that going Independant is a bit of a fad and there is every chance ( we should all be intelligent gamblers or cynics or both?) that most of the current crop are ,if not me generation" my way of the highway" types,
will  turn out to be ONE HIT WONDERS.Are they real team players or snake oil salemen ?

This foray may not be all good for Australia because desperation breeds and we need polys with staying power.

Independent candidates often appeal to people because they offer " the new " and seem progressive. not burdened by " the past" and the staid old stuff.  Fair enough-- that's me and most rural people everywhere .

While I will still make the difficult decision to support conservatives and team players, a good friend Augusto Zimmermann has just released a book on Scomo pointing out that he and many others in Parliament are living on the unsustainable whiff of appearing strong ( when we are surrounded by weakness woosy and soft -- the puppets in charge of parties for eg)
Think of ALL THE PREMIERS who wouldn't be in power if they weren't focused on pretending to be TOUGH ( say on lung infections ) - who now insist on mandating what makes no sense.

My point
-- don't end up with puppets in charge because those who act strong and tough but aren't, will fall .The independent can be the tyrant who hasn't got the team spirit.   Aim for long term gain by rejecting the short term gain spinners everytime

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What do you do with Independants ?

 You should value them , especially if their work in the locality is well known and respected.
Fine. Vote for an independent/minor but remember your main vote is either LNP or GreenLabor in charge and you have to choose between them .  IMO Your second vote should be for one of them. 

Don't just vote according to the voting suggestion  card.
Use both of your Votes ! 

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Mastering the flat battery syndrome

  If Labor win the next federal election it won't be because they make sense  They have the numbers in the city ( where common environmental sense doesn't matter )  - as this site shows  ( unlike Antony Greens hypocrisy maps on ABC don't show)   .

I do hope the people of Australia see the powerless projects of Greenlabor just as they have seen , at the best , that many people have a faith ( as all the labor  church  attendees have shown in recent weeks ) other than in stupid and ignorant polys and their machines . Bandt has summarized their joint position - stop everything and do nothing. 
What a terrible state for once proudly clever and competent focused Aussies . 
 Shorten failed to connect to the power source and now Albo is headed the same way .( recharging stations)   Could he be any dumber? 
Clearly ( as all Labor people with intelligence know )following the ignorant and arrogant idle minded  Greens is a recipe for dumbness and disaster  -- and yet the Labor party will  do it 

LABOR MUST FINALLY DITCH THE GREENS and the shallow idealism that makes them look and act so foolishly 

I am a  professional greenie,  but political Greenies  love to talk about important issues without actually finding out how things work in nature and then working with nature .That is plain wrong and leads to generalized idealistic bull. 

Worse, their worship of nature means they don't wanna work with sacred nature ( say recycling native chemicals ) and that makes them dumb scientists ,hypocritical and irresponsible ( they have no plan for response-able interference in nature )


Like most polys too( as now many young people realize )they think they know and because they haven't really connected to the grid in any effective way ( politics MUST be achievable. practical and realistic ) they are just unpredictable and dangerous when they get the power they seek .

 DO not support them in coalition -- even Labor don't trust them, but they WILL  go to bed with each other if people vote for either of them