Friday, May 17, 2019

Corangamite won't be lost to Labor

Been out campaigning listening ..........and its exhausting.
I don't intend to connect the dots but

Corangamite should have been won by Labor on the numbers. It was designed to .The fact that democracy is structurally in trouble is one thing we have to live with for the moment . Nothing good for the country is going to happen while the compromisers see their numbers to stay in power (see earlier posts ) .. 
So why you might ask ? Because of  forces many do not see and not everyone is a pedant and lives and moves and has their being on words and numbers .    
  1. There is a deep mystery in true Democracy . Mere Parties, like us as human individuals, are all corrupt . The choice ( because we have to choose parties - political decisions are  always hard )is always for some form of corruption . If you accept that reality you will participate ( cause Churchill said its best ) and you will choose the people ( the individuals) you trust the most .
  1. Make your choice pedants - norms or names in control .The shallow thing about this campaign being "too presidential shows how pedantically simple and reactionary most post moderns are. When the progressives new thing is not working and when the parties look a mess,  any president stands out - that doesn't mean its right eh! 
  2. The children are in charge of two of the parties at least ( if not the Senate) and many thinking people KNOW it even if media do not  ,
    Tanya and Richard squabbling over who was going to be best at changing the world was all teh electorate needed to see 
  3. Bill was clearly making promises he couldn't keep.

    And don't think it was all about the BB worried about their self funded schemes . It was, in part,   but as we have found before in 2007 in Corangamite and  since --when you still have more sense than our city centrics  we know  this truly conservative statement  to be true .
    Short term gain ( by the superficial coalition ) is followed by long term pain The picture is copyrighted 

Saturday, May 11, 2019

A guide for the young voter

  With even just a few passionate young people - there is great hope for the future
What my generation don't get is that thinking young people don't trust the parties - esp the majors .
Why do those mature enough to know better get sucked in when the Majors pitch their story to get power , Innocent Christians,  in particular seem vulnerable to the naming of best intention when they should know that behind the surface can lurk great evil  .
With even just a few passionate young people - there is great hope for the future . Pity my generation have infected them with their own cynicism.
To help them--- I have drafted the guide for the young voter

Good thinking mate !    If you want a bit of inside information on the politicians click here

Friday, May 03, 2019

Why don't the people trust Labor - .........or for that matter..... the ABC

Background - just in case you missed it .
Most people in the regions are watching Skynews  and they have only had easy access to it in recent months . Perhaps these people are stupid, easily led, bad business people (if you can do business out here you can do it anywhere)   or , just shallow, fickle ( or needing someone to listen to them  so they don't commit suicide ), or ....perhaps .....they don't trust their own TV  broadcaster who uses taxpayer funds to remind us of just how good they are . Whatever the truth ABC families and ABCTV presenters and producers have a lot to answer for .

This election campaign May 2019.  When ABC commentators suggested Shorten had won the debate on 72 we all thought - "were we watching the same debate "? . The ABC kindergarten  group of fact checkers are right about the need for facts but  they are not always reporting the ones they think don't fit the story  - not their job to judge . Too often its commentary not reporting - let us be the judge and stop wasting OUR time on YOUR version?  You would think ABC journalists would resist gutter talk but no "Barnaby is guilty before the  trial " ( the now compromised election trial  named as Watergate ) and ABC's selection of Ad Hominem is fine - to report on  

Back to the facts
Many of us are saying in this campaign

So why don't the people  we know trust Labor? I mean after seeing how Wong and Burke messed up in myth over decades over MD and still can't get it right,  I know I would never ever trust them to look after the environment,,,,,,  but Bill ? He's nice enough .
The trouble is, just  like Daniel Andrews , he is defending,  like most puppets , what is behind him - and that group is neither unified, consistent of even remotely competent  . The disease comes to the surface as confounding trite and confusing.  When we here cries of disunity we think; " takes one 2 know one??"
Unlike the LNP,  who are predictable , what we "see" in the image is  a coalition that' we don't see - its a compromise hidden from the public .
 The reality is that Labor has been losing credibility for years and the minor parties are their links to survival... . at least till now

Labor is lost , and has lost credibility in its own right, by trying to deny its coalition with the Greens and other fringe groups..Vote Labor and you don't know what you will get !
 You would think , as an ABC viewer, that the Conservatives ( esp Nationals) were on the nose ,when its really Labor that's been losing support for decades ( eg Rudd dressed up as one ).

As we all know the Greens are going off in a big way and Labor should be shoring up the marriage for its own sake. However avoiding the issue of tough talk they drag us both into the clouds with fairyland talk &tax( nothing concrete) about “a climate election “ .
The reality deep down,  in their lack of thinking is many of the groups in this hidden coalition actually  think alike and are now just as shallow ,impractical and unscientific  as each other ( see the posts below ) .
Paradoxically, If Labor should  win Corangamite it won’t be a victory for democracy , but the very denial of it,- disproportionate representation . See the original maps of federation and their regional rather than citified focus
And don't forget the false unity and political inertia created by groups living on naturalistic fallacies

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Pushing sh.. uphill

New labor is not like old Labor - it relies on support from those whose only faith is in the naturalistic fallacy.

 If you follow that simple logic you not only get lost but you become committed  to change only what worked before, because intervention IS  not natural;  you become an enemy of our civilization . not a friend as many in the alternative news sector  and environmental ecos are telling us.You encourage inertia .

See Labors  idea and commitment  to making water , pushing sewerage around with 1.5 volts and lots of coal to make more water, charge the batteries for their new wonder cars,  stopping more dead and dying trees with more Council meddling and buying credits overseas .   . If the aforementioned   is all that the grand schemers for a Climate change election and taxgrab for change  can  come up with - be assured its a lot of hot air for no result . Like the last time they were in power
Why would people vote for a party whose failure to deliver on their promises last time was the reason they lost power ? whose cost benefit package in the form of Bill , noone, not even  even Bill  can explain

Consequences of the new religion
It maybe popular and comfortable ( The faith says " Its only me that matters ") to use the naturalistic fallacy,  but it's not practical - we live in society . As  pointed out ALSO by Moore et al the mixing of fact with moral norms means you can't always separate the too when a bit of logic or reason is required .And that need is quite often . 
With the adoption of this faith. logic takes second place to the screaming match . I'm a very big cat and I make a lot of noise. Survival of the biggest. See it ???
As half the country knows,  the attempt by vegans  to take the moral high ground over animal cruelty can work a lot of angst with the easily confounded when  the naturalistic fallacy is the only faith that many people now have . The fact that vegans aren't the only ones to care for animals and the ways in which they do that --   is NOW not possible to discuss,  because  of the anti naturalist assumption .

The point is as David Christian has pointed out Progressives can't argue that we are making progress if the result of much of our educational efforts ( fillin em with facts) results in Epistemological despair and worse - A default position -a bunch of DIMWITS Doing It My Way Is Truth Societies     . Instead of being like the thinking unbelievers and believers alike say we should be ( using verified facts ) Christian notes that growing numbers of people just latch onto the naturalistic fallacy - which avoids argument
This quick closure clause means most of the time" if it exists it ought to be"  .- even if its evil   Clearly if we all believed  that , this blog would not mean anything, and nothing would change because there is no real need for change -   We don't need to do anything especially anything against the flow

Pushing sh up hill ..    and floating downstream  is natural now for some