Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The God factor ---- please No ! I don't wanna know!

The reactionaries,  after decades of hoping that the God botherers would die a slow death, and themselves  occupying positions of influence in their own fully non funded unsustainable church still find that many true believers  just refuse to leave the Creator judge out of the picture .

And there are still lots of them and they are all as simple,  in some ways,  as each other . Oh to be a confused cynic and spend my life believing nothing in particular and be vulnerable to everything in general  ( - esp old dressed up as new clothes ) NOT!

Many are shocked that despite all the media pressure to ridicule believers they are still out there - making perfect and imperfect sense just like the rest of us. Whats really shocking and dangerous  though is the denial. The denial in the media is leading to the denial of free speech.

Well pity these blind guides have to rely on their own wisdom,  for it doesn't cut like the spiritual revolutions of the past into the two natures and two freedoms of man; it doesn't deal with guilt ! -and fear and fear of being caught out - i could go on .
The real trouble with the reactionaries is their failure to address this paradox "  Man - he says one thing and does another' and so in media linkages of great length we follow a long line  of justification called " my fact checks " where one  tries to cover ones  tracks ......and the stupid follow - why ??.where his problem is bad and my problem is one I don't admit to.

. Pity the reactionaries haven't got into real oikonomia  ( economics, ecology  and house building)   because they would realize that,  without a mature big picture judge in the household,  the children take charge . This is the real scientific and natural starting point for the big picture.

What  many deniers (" I am not religious" types ) don't realize is they still have a faith - a new kind ,
Examine it here -- it maybe yours ?
The reactionaries are a bit of a lost cause . They are preoccupied , as the biggest time-wasters,  in the world,  with the secondary substance of "  how you say things and the right way of saying things "According to them Pilate  shouldn't have said on the label " The Kings of the Jews"  but that  " he said I am the King of the Jews"  .

Gary Ablett shouldn't have liked a post of his elite sportsman friend . According to the pedantically simple he should have NOT SAID WHAT HE REALLY THOUGHT  and been VERY AFRAID of what others would say and think .

All that booing on Easter Monday 19 shows the power of collective evil and just a few words - people who wouldn't normally get anxious about anything get enraged , Anger and words pushed down come back with a bite .

Thank God for the truth telling child who instead of letting us all dance around the difficult moment said straight up "he's wearing no clothes ".  The question of whether you agree with Israel and whether it was carelessly applied words are separate questions. Not the principle of freedom talked to here .
You are enraged about God and his will being mentioned  Worry about God,  not those who mention it ?  

Truth settles the dust , the anger and the war within ,
The two problems of our time ARE  our leaders nakedness and our fear of speaking the truth/or  what we personally don't like )  and supporting those who do .

Lets hope the election is a victory for the truth tellers because otherwise we will live with a facade that engenders mental illness  and non reconciliation .
Our own Anger and guilt require us all to be careful -- thats the very first thing .If we don't deal with these things personally we will have no way politically
  The question of whether you agree with Israel and whether it was carelessly applied words are separate questions-- not as important as freedom of speech , guilt projection and anger .
In case you have forgotten . In the West , if a man/child  feels guilty because of what we say to him - its not our problem. Guilt is a matter between a person and God to resolve.

At Easter this year we get to see the people saying what the threatened and intimidated want them say Crucify him,  crucify him . Those of us who have lived through the down times of Easter to learn to love it,  know that these pathetic moments of mental illness projection and mind manipulation cannot last .

One day in the future,  the children of the world will celebrate Easter they way we all ought to .Fully framed with denial guilt and repentance in the frame.

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