Wednesday, April 24, 2019

More pain for no gain

Re Minister Neville announces water and energy savings by pumping sewerage with solar.   
Looks li
ke someone's is in for a shock overnight-- The streets awash. 
What a cheap see through  election stunt .......that won't even work 

  Might as well run those pumps  on batteries - but then they too have to be charged overnight with coal ?  God help the country when Labor runs the sewer pumps on solar ,,, let alone anything else

These are more of Labors zero sum games----- where its just more pain for no gain
Does anyone really believe Minister Neville can make water cheaper by her ever changing water supply  tricks? She doesn't want to use her windmills to pump her coal made water cause those pumps  aren't working reliably either. ( picture below on Princes Highway near Colac ).

 Last month she promised to make more water with coal, pump it around with more coal and now she 's pretending its going to be suddenly cheaper by pumping it around with solar.
Nobody who knows anything about the subject believes her, or the capacity of her new zero emissions bureaucracy to do anything but meddle .   

Nobody who knows anything about the subject believes her, or the capacity of her new zero emissions bureaucracy to do anything but meddle .   
Labor has finally realized the water stuff , like the great burden of an incompetent government and their new bureaus , is super  heavy. 
Buying into solar at a cheaper wholesale price is no news when she is not really saving Victorians anything.
 Labor generally,  is getting its wires crossed and shortin itself out.

The only guarantee for us at this election is that we will be the bunnies that pay when their ongoing false rectification breaks down and they use more of our gas and taxes,  just to keep themselves going . 


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