Wednesday, April 17, 2019

More ignorance, stupidity and hypocrisy on the environment

Greenlabor are hoping their slur on the conservatives over " inaction and unbelief " in CC will draw them a crowd this election . A diversion ; they don't know what to do about CC.
At least the Conservatives are honest enough to admit we will need coal for a good while yet .
AND That we are not there yet with batteries - not even close pathetic Bill. Like their moves with water making , their moves will cost us the earth - without changing a thing.

Labor continue to fumble over their choice of  facts and prove themselves unworthy of spending even one more dollar on their dream schemes for the environment.

Take their totally illusory idea of reducing treeclearing
.Just hot air and more carbon dioxide long term

Don't let it get out that Greenlabor haven't got any better ideas for CC abatement than to give the carbon credits for not regenerating trees and plants to the fungi, ants and termites to burn up over time What this country needs is not dead and dying museum pieces ( as the Greens and their blinkered hand tied planning pedants in local Councils want us to have ) but regenerating plants that store and sequester . What a bunch of desperate and ignorant hypocrites on the environment. Did you get it people? - stop following the Greens around . At best they only half know the problem - lets say no more about what they don't know about solutions. Even the city KNOWS ( if they think about it )  that tree removal is SO already tied up so that you can't even bring down one of tree without creating hell . Everyone in Australia except Greenlabor  knows that Councils are spending our money doing nothing but play games in this area.
 not only natives but any old tree is prone to being the subject of worship  by the newly religious.  Rejuvenating plants sequester carbon . dying and decaying vegetation produce it .
More blatant hypocrisy from an ignorant and arrogant crew. Imagine how corrupting such blind ignorance to any environmental planner or arborist who knows their stuff is = and polys wonder why the people want to give up on Council planning when the problem of pedantic Green nonsense is staring us ALL in the face . Reform the biodiversity act and give the people hope--- and our kids a better job in environmental protection .Conservation That Works .

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