Sunday, July 14, 2019

The new religious left have nothing to say

Post election blues at Greenlabor
They started by saying there must be a better way ,which is OK,  but "which branching off when" ,They had no idea ,   they still have no idea
Starting off a new religion was never going to work but Labor and the Greens  signed up.  Too far back you hackers.
Sure they talked up some of the inadequacies of the old Western institutions but they forget the real future of any "evolution" is in reform , not revolution .You have to understand the enemy before you can defeat him.
Greenlabor is running a new religion where they expect moral sacrifice (CC control by us stop burning coal) , don't talk reasonable actions or even theories . Might have a worked a little longer except the people didn't buy in to the incomprehensible action plan and who was paying for this unsustainable irrational and highly costly religion to survive


Little John said...

They have something to say but it doesn't mean anything .
"Climate Action , We want someone to do something about the climate ".

Ignoring Peter Garrett, Gillard and Shortens failure to get anything but waste going with their going green , they have gone off to Local Councils - To join Sir Humphrey and the paper trail of ship loads of paper saying

"Would someone please do something about Climate change'
once delivered the dropping off of the paper parcel will, they hope, make them feel better.

Peter Julia and Bill know them now to be children because, adults would have offered some action that actually worked . Forget it from the noise makers .

Weirdly they have a faith bigger than and more historiaclly unreliable than our forefathersThey believe men can outdo God in this matter , They should be praying

Its such a simple slogan its appeal is quite understandable>
And the felt need to do something is as real as our labck of peace about wher my gerenation have taken us .
My generation don't dare look at why they no loner rest and reflect on the day of rest given to them from tim immerail .
They don't dare look at that because the are afraid of sitting still . they have no friend other than screen which tells them to buy in r particpatio in the rush to aquaire and to do to a generation.

Little John said...

They have something to say but it doesn't mean anything .
"Climate Action , We want someone to do something about the climate ".

Ignoring Peter Garrett, Gillard and Shortens failure to get anything but waste going with their going green , they have gone off to Local Councils - To join Sir Humphrey and the paper trail of ship loads of paper saying

"Would someone please do something about Climate change'
once delivered the dropping off of the paper parcel will, they hope, make them feel better.

Peter Julia and Bill know them now to be children because, adults would have offered some action that actually worked . Forget it from the noise makers .

Weirdly they have a faith bigger than and more historically unreliable than our forefathers.They believe men can outdo God in this matter, rationally and with reward for effort, They should be praying

Its such a simple slogan its appeal is quite understandable>
And the felt need to do something is as real as our lack of peace about where my generation have taken us .
My generation don't dare look at why they no longer rest and reflect on the day of rest given to them from time immemorial .
They don't dare look at that because they are afraid of sitting still .
They have no friend other than screen and wriggling which tells them to buy in , particpate in the rush to acquire and to do