Sunday, June 23, 2019

Labor has lost its way.

A lot of wannabes are outta touch ; we in the country have known this for decades
They live and move and have their being in a flat landscape ; infront of screens and other flat surfaces like roads houses and cities .fact checking what they don't really understand,hoping that one day the wicked world of rhetoric will one day prove itself to be the holy place that the media have made it. ( oh dear )
At the crossroads with the unbelieving tyranny of the Greens, Labor needs to decide whether it has the guts to run a revolution,  and what form that would take ( so far nothing concrete) ;
The only option Labor has  is to see the benefits of Conservative history and then grow to gain ground by running back into stable substantial sustainable elements of history with the reformers
.Greenlabor has lost the practical connection with the productive that can make real sustainable change work . Instead of real change, they give us  have imagined change. Quickfix . A secret garden  ( you can't get a plan its content and processes for evil control are hidden) where things die and we don't know why . Pity these immature practitioners don't know the first rule of conservation/road to tyranny and fanaticism -- labor still has some power .
Long term pain follows short term gain   if you don't understand and respect the economy of the ecosystem you get it wrong - you waste taxes meant to do good .

The lesson for Labor----  how Conservative do you need to be , to avoid the abyss 

Hypocritical mismatch of tyranny prone Orwellians .Labor is broken by pretending to be a unity when it clearly isn't.  Greenlabor alliance confuses them as much as it does the parties involved. Media and left are out of touch with the people .You don't change culture by manipulating messages and telling us how to think

Deep risks for the reactionaries  If you change the moral guideposts, ( and don't provide a convincing alternative _(Orwells, Chestertons point about French and other Revolutions ) you burn the house down  B4 you can't build a new one for the family . 

There is nothing wrong with hating sin - Correctly identified, its the only thing that stops us all from burning each other out of our own houses .

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