You don't have to be Einstein to
realize that the West is in a desperate state. We don't know what works and
polys are the last ones to admit it. Psyches like JP are out telling us we are
in a fanatically defensive mood with denial and guilt wiped all over the other
blokes face . As Paul Kelly has observed, the huge tribal wars are sapping our energy;
we are reduced to throwing blame and shame .
We have to get back on the road to
something that works.
One thing that doesn't really work in
this world is blind efficiency, the blinkered efficiency we impose on ourselves
if we worship in Capitalist, Scientism or Marxists schools . Whether its control of
money, good intention or mind control of men ----its madness .(Mark Manson is onto the unsustainable toxic sentimentality of the left too) .
The tyranny of attempted mind and behaviour
control ( even if it only starts with the worst idiots ) is the most
frightening and dangerous form of fanaticism. The sound psyche of “takes one to
know one “ suggests projection is
involved and is working on transfers of our guilt to the other bloke.
If we re going to keep going places after the next election we need to focus on talk which shows we are working and thinking together – and rely on the few in public life who tap our best, These are surely the ones who encourage us to insist on the golden rule and avoid the cynical unsustainable and desperate use of the iron rule ,
And showing how little real sense we haveIf we re going to keep going places after the next election we need to focus on talk which shows we are working and thinking together – and rely on the few in public life who tap our best, These are surely the ones who encourage us to insist on the golden rule and avoid the cynical unsustainable and desperate use of the iron rule ,
Thanks Paul Kelly for the line .
You can't build on a lie , To attack coal without all the other stuff about carbon is to crap all over your case .
High priests of the ABC can't help themselves either . Today on ABC
Oh Dear its Barnaby again ---" the one with the big ego" Takes one to know one
If only people would look behind the faces. Millions of people in rural areas remain unrepresened BECAUSE it doesn't take much of a smart arse to make em look hill billy . Have a go at your mug Heather Ewitt
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