Friday, October 06, 2023

The proposed changes to the Australian constitution ( THE VOICE ) on October 14th will fail

 For lots of reasons which show in particular that you cannot get agreement without telling those who sign up exactly what they are committing to. Only a wooly-headed leader could allow the committee to get what it wanted without taking it to the public - What should have happened is like happened to the 30 pager in 1901 with years of consultation over ' the words " .

A bigger rat has never been sighted.
The biggest surprise on the week B4 is the Yes campaign's revelation of their poor understanding of how people think and how to treat their minds and hearts with respect. 
This is what ALBO did today 6th October when he carelessly dismissed the right of religious ( esp Christian) group members to not agree with their leaders,
This is not a dictatorship yet. 
If only the Church and State could control those pesky rebels known as Jesus people .2000 years of history of a radicalism that,while somewhat predictable in some ways ,  is far less predictable politically and much more fearless than any power broker could imagine if there is conflict between what the books say and any Institution says.  

Our Prime Minister and the media made a totally false and foolish claim today. They said " all churches"  support the VOICE changes to the Constitution. Neither a church or a State can dictate what a believer believes.  

Read this State cancelled radio broadcast made in 1933 ( 6 years before WW 2 started )

The paradox for a believer is that all this unbeliever focus on more power and more voice  ignores the reality that man's power is always limited ( even a tyrant 0 and is dependent on God letting such persons have it for a while , Far more powerful to let your VOICE be heard by your Saviour and Creator and Redeemer . 

1 comment:

Little John said...

Its 8:30pm on the 14th. I have heard, (no i haven't) that the Prime Minister has already thanked all those who helped especially Mr Daniel Andrews whom he thanked for giving him a bum steer . As Jacinta ardern would testify playing the god father or mother of all good is a shallow and unsustainable role for a self focused self promoter.