Sunday, May 22, 2022

The most urban country in the world has now become the most urbane .

 The most urban country in the world has now become the first urbanocracy. 
Even the greeks would be laughing " we really thought no one would  ever be stupid enough to believe everyone could run the country - only a few the aristo or the pluto would ever have some hope of working . 

It would be funny if it wasn't such a logical recipe for ultimate failure; The dependants telling the producers how better to produce ; The hungry wolf . or is it this case , the silly little easily frighted  chicks, in charge of the chicken coupe. 

Like all our wonderful youth they want a future with less addiction to fossil fuels . So do WE , the adults in the audience.
It just that only the woosiest of adults have NOW let the children decide.  To give in to good intentions alone, would be to let democracy become a simple irrational obsenity..
I have lived to see my well educated generation  commit such an obscenity ; Instead of the God who cares in space and time , they have chosen the god of the strong ( over 50% shall dominate ) over the weak who by faith can NEVER be wrong. Not only wrong and unsustainable but not wise ( stepping backwards) 
These woosy parents have yet to witness the hopeless racket in Parliament that comes from accepting house rules written by the children 

Anyone who has worked with a  group of people knows that the majority can be wrong so whats with mature people wearing the blinkers; too afraid to adopt the  principals of fairness  ( everyone should get a proper hearing every day of every week in Parliament  ) but the principle of might is right . Good old Labor ___the most UNFAIREST OF PARTIES  MR MARLES 

It would be funny if it wasn't so religious in its high-minded ambitions and complete impracticability.
Strange that, at this moment, the innocents and cynics in the cities are choosing to play god and solve the climate problem when they haven't got a clue about what they are going to do about the problem. Just throw money and old tech as Labor did before? . 
It s just plain scary because instead of feeding its people , its going to starve them ( with higher taxes ) while the committee decide. . 
The rich wage, tax, margin and shareholder trains down there won't slow down as quickly as the spirit of the people who feed them .
The hastily drawn together  committee will never agree . 
Over the next three years the cities will learn that they know nothing and therefore cannot agree on anything. 
At least rural people will remain unified through the next three years while the wokes spend their days wandering around in the mire of indecision and ignorance they have created or sought to limit themselves to. 

Morrison has given away his opportunity to be an effective resistance to the new climate change alliance ( that ephemeral nonsense maybe the only thing the new wishy washup agree on ) by agreeing to net zero. How dumb and blind are these leafy suburb liberals are. 

The dopey teal independents are hoping that green investments will work. The reality is that the working class are not going to pay these facile newbies  to build more windmills and sequestration schemes that don't do anything for climate. The energy realities of Europe will show up the dumb dreaming of the left before a few more days are up . 

And many of us know that the mean girls won't go away because they will not have a basis for practical outcomes. Their anger only reinforce the growth of  unhappy and bitchy  XX syndrome which will now go to XXcess -- Typically such denial-based projection and fanaticism means they DON"T  know / face what they hate  ( all they know is that they hate the situation they find themselves in - some version of a Y chrome mad world ?  )  so they don't how to change the situation. 

 I have been fighting for proper representation for regional areas for decades. I will probably now give up. -- certainly for 3years.  The simple "change is good "idea people will be hanging out for change WELL before the next election . 

It was a miracle the LNP got in last time. The teal independents will prove me right in that our democracy is totally unfair because the city has a stranglehold on what happens.And it knows nothing . 
The weird thing is that this is not a win for common sense, but for the mad maths that says that the majority should dominate, the mad inhuman stuff that says the strong must dominate the weak. 

50 km out is now the only place where conservatives are taken seriously.
Thankfully we won't change. we will have friends who make sense and make good company .
God help the wokedoms cause they are a house divided and will fail. 


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