Labor got in this week by pretending to be all things caring to all change hungries Always a majority of the later --just wish they weren't so easily led.
The fact that their dog's breakfast of a noncoalition haven't agreed on anything yet means they are far from work-ready. It was a way the lightweights found a way to jump the hurdle ; The mad marginal voter type doesn't help get sensible leaders.
BUT when you offer to tip the world upside down without having no plan you are going to just look stupid when you get the reins - this madness is never going to work.
By being good at creating an impression, they may last a month or two more .
So it won't be long before this airy fairy assembly is turned upside down
Morrison is still used for target practice despite his handling of a term of very tough years
I said to one of them .
Its alright mate , the incompetent uncaring immoral rich, who cream off high margins for a living ; those arrogant self righteous will go away now that your lot are in power .
How dare you libel the conservatives . My country colleagues often earn less than the minimum wage( add up the hours shared by farming families) .
I will give one vote to the wokes ,
Albanese will not be blamed for his god-like promise of 5% increase in the basic wage because the tribunal will make the judgment
Albanese and Chalmers will not be blamed for their dumb reactive highly inflationary moves because the tribunals will make some of the judgments.
This relief is not to their credit but God's grace because they don't deserve any credit for a blind reactionary move to raise the basic minimum wage rate. No plan for heating or cooling the earth except to make people pay more for energy in 2022 and then switch the heaters off.
It will be all by the seat of their red hot pants as Chalmers celebration of the contravening of his own foreign policy ( to give citizenship to a family of illegal immigrants ) I am sure foreign policy will be one big dog's breakfast that will please neither Marles Rudd or Wong .
This hypocritical throw away government , are, after all working on the mandate of "don't tell the public what you are going to do - just get power first and THEN DO what YOU feel like" We'll go bloke with these wokes .