Friday, May 03, 2019

Why don't the people trust Labor - .........or for that matter..... the ABC

Background - just in case you missed it .
Most people in the regions are watching Skynews  and they have only had easy access to it in recent months . Perhaps these people are stupid, easily led, bad business people (if you can do business out here you can do it anywhere)   or , just shallow, fickle ( or needing someone to listen to them  so they don't commit suicide ), or ....perhaps .....they don't trust their own TV  broadcaster who uses taxpayer funds to remind us of just how good they are . Whatever the truth ABC families and ABCTV presenters and producers have a lot to answer for .

This election campaign May 2019.  When ABC commentators suggested Shorten had won the debate on 72 we all thought - "were we watching the same debate "? . The ABC kindergarten  group of fact checkers are right about the need for facts but  they are not always reporting the ones they think don't fit the story  - not their job to judge . Too often its commentary not reporting - let us be the judge and stop wasting OUR time on YOUR version?  You would think ABC journalists would resist gutter talk but no "Barnaby is guilty before the  trial " ( the now compromised election trial  named as Watergate ) and ABC's selection of Ad Hominem is fine - to report on  

Back to the facts
Many of us are saying in this campaign

So why don't the people  we know trust Labor? I mean after seeing how Wong and Burke messed up in myth over decades over MD and still can't get it right,  I know I would never ever trust them to look after the environment,,,,,,  but Bill ? He's nice enough .
The trouble is, just  like Daniel Andrews , he is defending,  like most puppets , what is behind him - and that group is neither unified, consistent of even remotely competent  . The disease comes to the surface as confounding trite and confusing.  When we here cries of disunity we think; " takes one 2 know one??"
Unlike the LNP,  who are predictable , what we "see" in the image is  a coalition that' we don't see - its a compromise hidden from the public .
 The reality is that Labor has been losing credibility for years and the minor parties are their links to survival... . at least till now

Labor is lost , and has lost credibility in its own right, by trying to deny its coalition with the Greens and other fringe groups..Vote Labor and you don't know what you will get !
 You would think , as an ABC viewer, that the Conservatives ( esp Nationals) were on the nose ,when its really Labor that's been losing support for decades ( eg Rudd dressed up as one ).

As we all know the Greens are going off in a big way and Labor should be shoring up the marriage for its own sake. However avoiding the issue of tough talk they drag us both into the clouds with fairyland talk &tax( nothing concrete) about “a climate election “ .
The reality deep down,  in their lack of thinking is many of the groups in this hidden coalition actually  think alike and are now just as shallow ,impractical and unscientific  as each other ( see the posts below ) .
Paradoxically, If Labor should  win Corangamite it won’t be a victory for democracy , but the very denial of it,- disproportionate representation . See the original maps of federation and their regional rather than citified focus
And don't forget the false unity and political inertia created by groups living on naturalistic fallacies

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