I don't intend to connect the dots but
Corangamite should have been won by Labor on the numbers. It was designed to .The fact that democracy is structurally in trouble is one thing we have to live with for the moment . Nothing good for the country is going to happen while the compromisers see their numbers to stay in power (see earlier posts ) ..
So why you might ask ? Because of forces many do not see and not everyone is a pedant and lives and moves and has their being on words and numbers .
- There is a deep mystery in true Democracy . Mere Parties, like us as human individuals, are all corrupt . The choice ( because we have to choose parties - political decisions are always hard )is always for some form of corruption . If you accept that reality you will participate ( cause Churchill said its best ) and you will choose the people ( the individuals) you trust the most .
- Make your choice pedants - norms or names in control .The shallow thing about this campaign being "too presidential shows how pedantically simple and reactionary most post moderns are. When the progressives new thing is not working and when the parties look a mess, any president stands out - that doesn't mean its right eh!
- The children are in charge of two of the parties at least ( if not the Senate) and many thinking people KNOW it even if media do not ,
Tanya and Richard squabbling over who was going to be best at changing the world was all teh electorate needed to see - Bill was clearly making promises he couldn't keep.
And don't think it was all about the BB worried about their self funded schemes . It was, in part, but as we have found before in 2007 in Corangamite and since --when you still have more sense than our city centrics we know this truly conservative statement to be true .
Short term gain ( by the superficial coalition ) is followed by long term pain The picture is copyrighted