Thursday, May 30, 2013

What blatant hypocrisy amongst the remaining Fabians

What shocking desperation is being shown by those would pay themselves by robbing the country .
PM Gillard, this week wants to fund election advertising even before the normal campaigns begin .
We know that its sometimes ignorance ,sometimes arrogance , sometimes both .Their stupidity is unfathomable even unto themselves , let alone the onlooker .

There is no rationale to fabianism except the worship of power itself - government power . These dumb reactionaries  would have us believe that their doctrines have evolved upwards from the Jacobins . The reality is that grabbing a snippet of science to Shaw up a totally unworkable mix of "man is bad , government is good or "man is good,  government is better" will never work . Man is capable of both bad and good and  good government has its limits and is never "better " .  

If anyone should get some money back it could be those of us who only got 3% of the vote and bore the cost ourselves -all that largesse..... and  at our expense ;
The major parties and Labor in particular are a disgrace - drowning out small voices . What BLATANT hypocrisy and arrogance.

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