Friday, March 08, 2013

Tough leadership

Julia Gillard is today trying to say No ; About time ! It comes after years of providing succor to the noisy and immature in her hearing.  Too much bleeting from the bleeding hearts clubs?
Mother Julia , Mother Bligh and Mother ABCTV should not try to take all the calls and Julia has finally realised it . ( you heard it first on blogger 8th March 2013)
The problem then for Father Abbott and Father Napthine , Like Father Balllieuu.  is the tough ask of saying no to some  of the noise .
But which noise?  - some distant noise about slavery today or some close loud noise that noone wants to talk about ! ( like a simpleminded policy to change the atmosphere using a market driven miracle. You watch them pull down their gloriuos imperatives over the next few months!    The Labor party needs a few more miracles but definitely not a man made miracle and a man made miracle based on a power myth that means they presume power they haven't got .
Let's hope the Liberals don't get carried away with their perception of power again either  I believe in mircales but the former idea takes a lot of faith to believe possibel eh! .  One bulldozer a century is definitley too many. You can tell Jeff's got it running again with his appearances this week,
In a strange twist Ian Smith's mate is talking about more railways infrastructure when Smith wanted to close down rail.
The point is , the right noise has often been sat on by the big loud and colourful positive only quickfizers 

In Victoria this week we have leadership from the wonderful Western District ? This may mean we  have we have much to offer OR that we don't quite know what we have been offered .My guess - bit of both! At least we do know what a fair go mate really means --- on the ground .
Well either way,  we have the job,  so here are some suggestions. We have had the bulldozer from the big smoke  and  we all know out here  that bulldozer drivers are still in there in the big smoke; PLUS we know that such singleminded dummies have no idea about the sensitive matters of household .
Maybe the tractor is a better analogy Denis Napthine and Tony  - It ploughs the ground to show up the weeds.
Maybe if you asked us, you might learn something ?

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