Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Katter phenomenon

It was said by the most thoughtful people in Europe even before WW2 that "if we didn't get Adolf we would have got someone like him" . Someone who could only see the power for himself and not the danger in the mob .Tis true wisdom to face this . Malcolm Turnbull is not wise,  as are those who welcome his free wheeling independant mind talk. : If you try to stand for everything,  you stand for nothing .. mate !

Its therefore really stupid and simplistic to think Katter is a wacko to be ignored/isolated .  Brecht said . "The bitch is in heat again "and bright boys from the past "strange disguises "
Just like its stupid and simplistic to think (As farmer of year O"Brien said on Qanda last night
- the city suddenly knows what the country needs
- the city knows so much and is in such a rush that it will squash the voices of those who cry " get the facts first, get it right before you fight "
Its of course most stupid and simplistic of all to think that the problem is "one person a long way from ourselves" . Katter represents his constituency . Did you not notice the Windsors and the Oakeshotts doing the same , while the rest of parliament  play position games in the kindergarten and the club.
 Qanda prefers games to really answering questions - think of how few questions they deal with well.
 Turnbull thinks he can win power by sidling up to Greenlabor and they love him for it. O"Brien would have taken a real man out of the audience last night instead of Turnbull,   but  the "not me mate " questioner who unfortunately for the smallgroups in our society , had no time for politics and representation really . Sad when the silly game of ignorance they play on qanda is about personalities and not people and competence - what fools they all made of themselves trying to talk about something they didn't understand (CC AGW) .
The audience would have welcomed just one honest person in that sycophantic collection who said " best you ask someone who understands this stuff '-( where is the climate commissioner when you need him ?) " Malcolm is winning assent in the club, but losing it where it really matters.

(Mitchell described Katter as dangerous - what  a joke ! Takes one to know one . He lets a really dangerous man like Kennett back to talk . The truth is dangerous if you want to be pedantic ; just make sure your accusations well or they will come back to bite you .- remember Kennett like us knows the problem the problem is that such an arrogant person who thinks they know the answer is very attractive and therefore much more dangerous than one who just insists on the truth being told )

Will the ignorant and arrogant win the next election ?-who knows
well it certainly won't be the current lot---not in Queensland  one: the deeper truth is " short term gain long term pain"  Malcolm and Bligh living the dream .

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