Monday, November 22, 2010

How can anyone support a government that allows minority views to dominate

What’s wrong with this country is that a minor party, that doesn’t know how to implement sound ecological and economic policy has far too much influence. 
Value-based decision making, in all areas, must come first.
It’s not the amount of money Labor spends on school buildings, but how much it spends on teaching and the quality of it. 
It’s not about how much money the Liberals spend on tree growing, but how that party stands up effectively for those who farm and live sustainably. 
By being competent, rather than reactive in ecological, economic and environmental planning matters, the Liberals could settle down the worry warriors.
Say clearly to the majors that it’s wrong to play up to the Greens when they clearly don’t know about the “how” of implementing what they are talking about . Worrying about things they know little about has lead Labor to impose completely unnecessary taxes on water and energy that will cost the earth and not achieve one single water conservation objective.  

1 comment:

journeymanj said...

WE shouldn't have had to work as hard as we did to encourage even our conservative electorate to say no to "The Greens". But we did . Together we put together opposition worth 6-7%.