Sunday, August 22, 2010

Caretaker role

Its 9:30am Sunday 22nd August , its clear to me that the independents will not form a government with Labor .
Greenlabor are too heavenly minded to be able to keep the caretaker mode going for long, making this the second election in a row to be greatly influence by religion - certainly not the last!  . Confession might just help the media and the people deal with the real dangers that ongoing denial over these matters holds for all of us .


journeymanj said...

Can anything good come out of this moment . Of course. If parliament take the issue of structure and consensus about difficult competency issues, the light and frothy and projection stuff may go back to edges where where it belongs . Many of us hope and pray so .

journeymanj said...

Paradoxical to hear Richo talk about the place of purity on qanda tonight .He might know the truth about Labors failure to stay pure, but his party is hiding behind the greenery , so who is compromised and which party to greenlabor is the weakest party?