Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Are we really that stupid ?

Since when has the length of deliberation justified one member of Parliament adopting the role of Governor -General   ?( Julia Gillard justifying her dismissal of PrimeMinister Rudd ).
Since when is the government serious about helping us pay less for energy  ( Don't you hate those annoying energy watch ads and those very annoying agents of the government who ring up or appear on the doorstop to encourage us be as moral  as possible -Trying to bribe us with gifts  that we actually pay for !!!!


Little John said...

These government salesmen at the door ( don't you feel for the poor messenger- what a job! ) make a visit from the local evangelical team look positively friendly!

journeymanj said...

I was thinking about this today . How can anyone vote for a group of leaders who have no honour .
1. In the way they deal with each other
2. In the way they deal with the Greens - allowing the Greens to tell the Country what to do. Surely this could be the legacy of Labor for the next few years. Frightening