Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is Rudd really the problem?

Yesterday's Australian newspaper seems to reflect widespread unhappiness with the leadership. But is it really Ruddy's problem ?More here  

1 comment:

journeymanj said...

Now a week on and the hunt continues.
What surprises me is how people in our town seem to take the media's lead in this.Talking up Julia's ability !. Kerry O Brien is seen to take hero status for having a go at Kevin. Kevin is seen to be losing it because he gets upset .A lot of hypocrisy there. " who started this' doesn't matter .
What really disturbs me is the slanging match run by the media and NOW developing in the mind of the people. To think Julia or Penny could run anything is to ignore Rudd's strength - he's the one who can tell people when they are just being emotional( Julia's blind fascination with how she is improving education and Pennys same story of solving the worlds problems with a big new tax - dumber than dumber both of them . )