Thursday, November 22, 2007

Predicting the outcome of 24th Nov

Why do we want to be so clever?
Do we desperatly want to prove that me too want to prove " i know something" Surely it's a bit like that . Takes one wannabe to know one.
Only God knows how much we don't . Hopefully His justice and mercy will help us continue to allow Australians to be blessed and be a blessing.
The liberals live in a comfort zone of their own making; making their reelection prospects much more difficult than they should be .
Rudd is a breath of fresh air because he is not running a set piece - he wants to get to the truth .
If anyone of the 2 leaders deserves to win ( not the party) Rudd does. We can work with a leader who admits they don't know something; one we hope too will be firm about fads and personal fantasies in his collegues .
I sure hope, if he wins, that he seeks out the advice he says he will ---on PC matters esp

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