It is not widely remembered that Latham's love in with the Greens last election produced a BIG downer for Labor . I won't be at all surprised if labors woosy and untidy association with the greens leaves them out in the cold again. This time its something much bigger than timber in tasmania - its so big that we can't get our heads around it.
Maybe the uncertainty and intangibility helps; if you prefer clouds to clarity? The best way to win elections is to create a fear and then solve it . The left partnership can do the former, but are they convincing about the latter?
Sure there is some sentimental and "sounds heavy" voters out there - but lets hope not too many .No more than last time I suspect . Let's hope the people use their reason a lot more than those party to the picture and shooting games gallery partnership presentation on Lateline last night.
Even if you believe the climates changing agenda is a key one we only have a few days to wait to see whether all the hype has worked the magic ; whether the campaign has a failed political aim , a failed practical commitment, or both .
Clearly Climate change talk will stand or fall on this election , so why wait until 2015 - only 5 days left to make history so spend more money on campaigns boys !! Have the scientists done their job and warned us well enough ?
Was it a good idea, if action MUST happen, to leave it to pollies to convince us ?
The greens and the political system were not credible in 2004, and they are still not credible .
Clearly , Labor could win the election if they were credible on matters of environment and ecomia. But they continue to woose out of the work and let the greens decide what flags to fly . While they don't do the hard yards themselves and carelessly let the greens provide the ever changing ammo of praxis, they remain as a team promoting some new target- totally unconvincing.
The ABC team did the greens a disservice by putting up a set 'its really the big issue of the election " advertising piece before the MC came on to speak on latelinetonight . a real Setup ! Who does the ABC lateline crew think they/ and we/ are- dumb? let the big election issues stand on their merits .
Bob Brown and the ABC are overdoing the fear factor (incl imagery abuse) and failing to convince on the " where we go to now factor "; the synergy of the 2 without real scientists speaking is just not credible ( the token scientist from overseas didn't tell us anything we didn't already know - "the job is hard" ; but back to nov 24 "what again is the job" - "going backwards to Kyoto "- haven't you got better tails for the donkey than old and incomplete ones?
The partners to the push mentioned nobel prize winning scientist and moral imperatives just one too many times, especially when neither were present to say yes - secondhand messages get the sus tick .
The greens are reknown for talking to the issues, but not thinking through them .......and it showed . The ABC, if they want to help the greens and Labor, need to be more convincing by being more probing of the shooting gallery games that they have seen so many times before. Pollies who want to win have to point to actions and process in a credible and local way.
If reason and good sense prevail, Labors 2007 reliance on the ephemeral agendas of the greens will prove, just like in 2004, - a lot of chasing after the wind.