Friday, September 16, 2022

Enjoying the finest moments of Monarchy

Surely this cartoon says it all...... or does it?  
 While most young people of a certain age are in fits of depression over what they see as the blind sheep of persons of a certain age making trite statements about " how wonderful the Queen is " (Elizabeth died this week).....
some of us are really enjoying what Monarchies can do that republics can't .

What modified monarchies like ours can do to go beyond and above the crass political games and model the really great objective of really listening ( as Elizabeth did )is before each day and year. the commonwealth games, speeches to the nations in times of stress  etc  

The Crown models not only the idea but also the reality of Crown land and its place of refuge, freedom and recreation for all people , let alone the idea and wonder of a  job in the service of the public.( don't knock it) 

And that's not all.  The simple personal act of dedicating your life to a life of service is a living tangible testimony to the person the Queen and many of our famous and respected forefathers followed. and what a great job it can be -- not at the mercy of a contract from the rich ( don't knock it !!!)
And if want to be the depressing cynic  and  focus on some bad thing monarchies  do, think of all the great modeling she got from her parents " The Kings' Speech " 

I don't see the value here in going on about it because of all the adult children in my world who have never grown up to honor their parents as they were taught to do. Honor not obedience is the command meaning we can disagree with someone n Authority  ( like our parents, teachers and the law) and still enjoy them and honor them for focusing well .  
What a mess we make of our own lives if we can't honor people or we have to " make them in the image of perfect " .

The rules are there for our own good - let's encourage our children to know them .
To see in the stories of our kings Queens families like our own that are fractured  but living in the scrutiny of others --   no wonder we pray for them to be strong !

That doesn't make it any easier to listen to some sycophntics waxing lyrical overthe length of the cue of mourners and everything these people did 

The implications of Post Christian thinking on the talk of Republic as an alternative


The accurate answer is , as was said below, is that thinking Christians know neither Monarchy or Republic is perfect. This means most of us can cope with both forms of governance. 

After all there is no wind in the sails of Turnbull and  the "new republic" movement . We are already a republic .Turnbull should take the "takes one to know one advice"; his  images of  childish  can be turned  around to be examples of a child who has never grown up  to honor and accept  his own weakness ----- and others 

HISTORY ( another reason why Christians will keep abandoning state schools while they fail to get excited about history ) 

You see it was true believers in England who brought the many mad KINGS and QUEENS , church bureaucrats into line ....... with Laws and ideas of freedom that have worked  for 500 years.  Its not automatic evolution per see in the future that we should look to the future  but to use our minds to study the changes and make sure the next moves are mindful not business like etc.quickfiz    

(What we can't cope with is the Australians Lefts blind spot about the unfairness they keep imposing on regional areas with their mad simplicities about heaven coming from one vote one value see below ). 

Who are the followers of Jesus going to vote for?

This question is such a powder keg of unknowns that politicians and the media hardly ever mention it. They don't dare because to think about it too much would mean they would have to think too deeply . ... and read that weird book. 
You may say with most post moderns that I am wrong and that Christians are clearly right wing and oh so predictable. Yes the Bible is a series of simple stories.

You would be quite wrong because ever since the Days of Caesar those who want to retain office cannot afford to ignore the weird choices of those who follow Christ . No more Emperor or weird god of your own to worship,,for them !!!

But what could be less boring than not being at all predictable in their political  allegiances .

You might like to lump Christians as  right wingers but everyone  from the Ceasars to Rudd and Albanese  knows we can't be trusted to vote along simple party lines, ever ; 
Observers  are right to talk about weird and unpredictable  --if we think God spoke to us,  we may ignore every party to follow the man whom we think God has chosen - not only weird but very scary for politicians !

Take the Labor Party in Australia who took office in 2007 by standing a Christian and then removing him. I know because this welded on right winger voted for Kevin Rudd, not because he was brilliant and "God's gift to the county" but because the Liberal party were being so beligerantly arrogant about their right to rule .
Yes the sheep are there but always remember they probably occupy both sides of both parties.

You see Christians have the best sheep and wolf management policy ever -- "don't trust either of them and don't think yourself God in being able to distinguish  whose playing who at the time.
While considerable numbers of church goers are the very worst kind of sheep ( who don't think) most know better than to box ALL the world's people whom God created in his image ( John 3:16) are to be dumped in one criminal box or another . 
Let alone be simple enough to just lie down and let their hormones take over , The old nature worship never work before ; nature and hormones need not determine how the human animal behaves .
Christians , more than most,  believe in disciplining one' s mind (ie  comes first) and by that means ones body and all its hormones follow from that.  

WHY TRUST THOSE WHO BOX MINDS into left and right 
Which is one reason I can't wear those intellectuals who always have their political meal as a contest between Left and Right .They're sometimes as bad as each either. The clue  being that we the people are fickle shallow and likely to get the government we deserve,