Friday, September 16, 2022

The implications of Post Christian thinking on the talk of Republic as an alternative


The accurate answer is , as was said below, is that thinking Christians know neither Monarchy or Republic is perfect. This means most of us can cope with both forms of governance. 

After all there is no wind in the sails of Turnbull and  the "new republic" movement . We are already a republic .Turnbull should take the "takes one to know one advice"; his  images of  childish  can be turned  around to be examples of a child who has never grown up  to honor and accept  his own weakness ----- and others 

HISTORY ( another reason why Christians will keep abandoning state schools while they fail to get excited about history ) 

You see it was true believers in England who brought the many mad KINGS and QUEENS , church bureaucrats into line ....... with Laws and ideas of freedom that have worked  for 500 years.  Its not automatic evolution per see in the future that we should look to the future  but to use our minds to study the changes and make sure the next moves are mindful not business like etc.quickfiz    

(What we can't cope with is the Australians Lefts blind spot about the unfairness they keep imposing on regional areas with their mad simplicities about heaven coming from one vote one value see below ). 

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