Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Unstable, unreasonable, unrepresentative governance

OK people ( no polys online here ) , despite all the hype - I suggest
"The most unsatisfactory outcome from the coming Federal Election would be for the Greens to hold the balance of power" .
Do you not agree?  What are you going to do about it ?


journeymanj said...

Did you notice Julia has copied one of my old theme songs Click on Towards more lateral thinking The blogname ""

Neen16 said...

If the "Great Debate" is anything to go by this country is stuffed. Vote independent where you can because the greens are really scary and just as vague with their policies. I,m all for saving the earth but there has to be balance and the metro run parties really do forget that the country folk feed them! But our children are stopped from getting higher education funding because they class us as inner regional. What a joke!